Sancy Suraj’s Pi-riffic Feat: Memorizing and Reciting Most Digits in Singapore!

Sancy Suraj is a name that has become synonymous with memory feats, and for a good reason. He holds multiple world records in memorization and is a celebrated memory athlete. His most recent achievement was breaking the Singapore record for memorizing and reciting the most digits of Pi, an irrational number with an infinite decimal representation. But that’s not all, he also broke the Singapore record for the fastest time to identify all national flags and wrote down over 1,100 digits of Euler’s number in just 30 minutes. His memory prowess is nothing short of extraordinary.

As a magazine that specializes in interviewing memory experts and athletes, we had the pleasure of sitting down with Sancy Suraj and asking him some questions about his memory feats, memory training, and future ambitions. We asked him about his experience memorizing and reciting the most digits of Pi in Singapore, how he got started in the field of memory, his process for memorization, challenges he faced during training, and much more. Here are some highlights from our conversation with Sancy Suraj.


Can you tell us about your experience memorizing and reciting the most digits of Pi in Singapore, and how did you prepare for this record-breaking feat?

Absolutely, I would be glad to share my experience of memorizing and reciting the most digits of Pi in Singapore. Firstly, I must say that memorizing and reciting Pi was not an easy feat to accomplish, and it required a lot of time, dedication, and hard work. The task itself was mentally challenging, and it took me almost two years to prepare for it.

My journey towards breaking the Singapore record for the most digits of Pi memorized and recited began when I was studying mathematics in school. I was fascinated by the number Pi and its infinite decimal representation, and I decided to challenge myself to see how many digits of Pi I could memorize and recite. I started small, with just a few digits, but I gradually increased the number of digits, and eventually, I was able to memorize and recite over 10,000 digits of Pi.

To prepare for the record-breaking feat, I followed a rigorous training regimen. I spent several hours every day practicing and memorizing Pi digits. I used various mnemonic techniques, such as visualization, association, and chunking, to help me remember the digits more efficiently. I also developed a strong mental discipline and focused on building my memory capacity and recall speed.

During the actual record attempt, I had to recite the digits of Pi in front of a panel of judges and an audience. It was a nerve-wracking experience, but I remained calm and focused, relying on my training and preparation. In the end, I was able to break the Singapore record for the most digits of Pi memorized and recited, which was an incredible feeling of accomplishment.

Overall, memorizing and reciting the most digits of Pi in Singapore was a challenging but rewarding experience that required a lot of hard work, discipline, and dedication. It was an excellent opportunity to push myself to my limits and showcase the incredible capabilities of the human memory.

You’re known as a “memory athlete.” How did you get started in this field, and what drew you to it?

Sure, I am happy to share my journey of becoming a memory athlete. It all started when I was in school and was struggling with memorizing and retaining information. I was fascinated by the human brain’s potential and its ability to remember and recall vast amounts of information. This curiosity led me to explore memory training and techniques to improve my memory.

After doing some research, I discovered the world of memory sports and was immediately drawn to it. I was intrigued by the idea of being able to memorize and recall vast amounts of information in a short period. I started training using various techniques such as the memory palace, the method of loci, and the peg system. As I practiced more, I noticed significant improvements in my memory capacity and recall speed.

I then decided to take my skills to the next level and participate in memory competitions. The first competition I participated in was the Singapore Memory Championship, where I was able to break the record for the most digits of Pi memorized and recited. From there, I continued to participate in more competitions and break more records, which eventually led me to become a memory athlete.

What drew me to memory sports is the mental challenge it offers. It’s a great way to test my limits, push myself beyond my comfort zone, and see how much I can improve my memory capacity and recall speed. It’s also a great way to meet other memory athletes and share our experiences and knowledge. Additionally, being a memory athlete has numerous practical applications, such as helping me in my studies, work, and personal life.

Overall, I am grateful to have discovered the world of memory sports, and I plan to continue training and competing to see how far I can push the boundaries of my memory capacity.

What are some of the biggest challenges you face when attempting to memorize large amounts of information, and how do you overcome them?

Certainly, memorizing large amounts of information can be a daunting task, and it comes with its fair share of challenges. One of the biggest challenges I face is maintaining focus and concentration for an extended period. When memorizing a vast amount of information, it’s easy to lose focus and become distracted, which can hinder the memorization process. To overcome this challenge, I make sure to take regular breaks, stay hydrated, and practice mindfulness meditation, which helps me stay focused and alert.

Another challenge is the sheer amount of information that needs to be memorized. It can be overwhelming, and it’s easy to get lost in the details. To overcome this challenge, I use various memory techniques such as the memory palace, where I create a mental map of a location and place pieces of information in specific locations within that map. This technique helps me compartmentalize information and makes it easier to remember.

Another significant challenge is dealing with stress and pressure during memory competitions. It’s easy to get nervous and forget the information, even if it’s something you have memorized numerous times before. To overcome this challenge, I practice visualization techniques, where I imagine myself in a competition scenario and visualize myself confidently recalling the information. This helps me build confidence and reduce stress during competitions.

Finally, one of the most significant challenges is maintaining motivation and consistency in training. Memorizing large amounts of information requires a lot of dedication and hard work, and it can be challenging to stay motivated and consistent in training. To overcome this challenge, I set specific goals and track my progress. Celebrating small milestones along the way helps me stay motivated and consistent in training.

In conclusion, memorizing large amounts of information comes with its challenges, but there are various techniques and strategies that can be used to overcome them. Maintaining focus, using memory techniques, managing stress and pressure, and staying motivated and consistent in training are key to success in memory sports.

“Memorizing large amounts of information is not just about having a good memory, but also about developing a set of skills and techniques to overcome the challenges that come with it.”

You’ve achieved multiple world records in memory feats. How do you keep pushing yourself to new heights, and what motivates you to continue setting records?

Setting world records in memory feats is a significant accomplishment, but it’s important to remember that there is always room for improvement. I am constantly challenging myself to push past my limits and achieve new heights. One of the things that motivate me to continue setting records is the sense of fulfillment that comes with achieving a goal that I have set for myself. The feeling of satisfaction that comes from pushing myself to the limit and succeeding is a powerful motivator.

Another thing that motivates me to continue setting records is the desire to inspire and encourage others. I hope that my achievements will inspire others to push past their own limits and pursue their dreams, whatever they may be. Additionally, I believe that setting records in memory feats is an opportunity to promote the importance of memory training and its benefits, not only in memory sports but also in everyday life.

To continue pushing myself to new heights, I set specific goals and track my progress. I believe that setting achievable goals helps to keep me motivated and focused on what I want to achieve. I also ensure that I have a structured training program that allows me to gradually improve my memory skills and work towards my goals. The training program includes various memory techniques, such as the memory palace and the major system, which I use to memorize large amounts of information.

In conclusion, the desire to push past my limits, inspire others, and promote the importance of memory training is what motivates me to continue setting records in memory feats. By setting specific goals, tracking my progress, and having a structured training program, I am able to continue pushing myself to new heights.

How do you use visualization and association techniques to help you remember information, and can you walk us through your process for creating these mental connections?

Visualization and association techniques are crucial to my success in memorizing large amounts of information. These techniques involve creating mental images and connections between pieces of information, which helps to embed them in my memory. I typically use the method of loci, also known as the memory palace technique, to create mental images and associate them with the information I need to remember.

The memory palace technique involves visualizing a familiar location, such as a house or a street, and associating each piece of information with a specific location within that space. For example, if I need to remember a list of grocery items, I would visualize each item in a specific location within my mental image of a supermarket. I might visualize a carton of eggs in the dairy section, a loaf of bread in the bakery, and so on.

To create these mental connections, I use a variety of techniques such as exaggeration, absurdity, and humor. For example, to remember a person’s name, I might visualize them with a distinctive feature or doing something unusual or memorable. If their name is Sarah, I might visualize her with a giant S-shaped hat or walking on stilts. These mental images are often absurd or humorous, which helps them stick in my memory.

I also use association to connect pieces of information. For example, if I need to remember a list of historical events, I might associate each event with a specific date or location. If I need to remember a sequence of numbers, I might create associations between each number and a letter or word that sounds similar. These associations help to create a narrative or story in my mind, which makes the information easier to remember.

In conclusion, visualization and association techniques are essential to my memory training process. By using the memory palace technique and creating mental images and connections, I am able to memorize large amounts of information quickly and efficiently. These techniques require practice and dedication, but with time and effort, anyone can improve their memory skills.

“By creating vivid mental images and connections, the memory palace technique unlocks the power of our imagination to transform information into a memorable and meaningful experience.”

Sancy Suraj’s passion for memory training began as a teenager when he was introduced to the concept of memory techniques. He was drawn to the idea of memorizing large amounts of information quickly and accurately. He started with simple exercises like memorizing decks of cards and moved on to more challenging feats like memorizing long strings of digits. He became an expert in memory techniques and eventually started competing in memory competitions.

When asked about the biggest challenges he faces when attempting to memorize large amounts of information, Sancy Suraj explained that it’s essential to keep the mind active and engaged throughout the memorization process. He uses visualization and association techniques to help him remember information, creating mental connections between pieces of information. Sancy Suraj also emphasized the importance of discipline and focus during long hours of memorization. He suggests taking breaks every hour to keep the mind fresh and using meditation techniques to clear the mind.

Sancy Suraj has achieved multiple world records in memory feats, but his motivation to continue pushing himself comes from the desire to inspire others. He hopes to show people what is possible with the power of memory and encourage them to develop their memory skills. He plans to continue breaking records and pushing the limits of what’s possible in the field of memory training.

In addition to memory training, you’re also an entrepreneur and founder of several companies. How do you balance these different pursuits, and what advice would you give to others looking to start their own businesses?

Balancing my pursuits as a memory athlete and entrepreneur can be challenging, but it’s all about effective time management and prioritization. I prioritize my time based on the most urgent and important tasks, and I set specific goals and deadlines for each project. I also make sure to schedule time for rest and relaxation, as burnout can be a real risk when juggling multiple projects.

One piece of advice I would give to others looking to start their own businesses is to be passionate about what you do. Starting a business requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and perseverance, and it’s much easier to stay motivated when you truly believe in what you’re doing. I would also recommend seeking out mentors or advisors who can provide guidance and support as you navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship.

Another important factor is to focus on providing value to your customers or clients. Successful businesses are built on a foundation of solving a problem or meeting a need for their customers. By prioritizing the needs of your target audience, you can create a strong brand and build a loyal customer base.

Finally, I believe that it’s important to have a growth mindset and be willing to learn and adapt as you go. Starting a business is a journey filled with ups and downs, and there will inevitably be setbacks and failures along the way. However, by staying open to feedback, learning from mistakes, and constantly seeking to improve, you can build a successful and sustainable business over time.

How do you stay focused and disciplined during long hours of memorization, and what strategies do you use to maintain your mental stamina?

Staying focused and disciplined during long hours of memorization is essential to achieving success as a memory athlete. One strategy I use is breaking down the task into smaller, more manageable pieces. For example, if I need to memorize 1,000 digits of pi, I might start by focusing on memorizing just the first 100 digits, then move on to the next 100, and so on. This helps me stay focused and motivated, as I can see tangible progress as I work through the task.

Another key strategy is taking regular breaks to give my mind a rest. Memorization requires a lot of mental energy, and it’s important to give your brain time to recharge in between sessions. I might take a short walk, do some stretching, or simply take a few deep breaths to help clear my mind and refocus.

Physical exercise is also an important part of maintaining mental stamina. Regular exercise helps improve blood flow to the brain, which can boost cognitive function and memory retention. I try to incorporate physical activity into my daily routine, whether it’s going for a run, hitting the gym, or practicing yoga.

Finally, I believe that maintaining a positive attitude and mindset is crucial for staying focused and disciplined. When faced with a daunting memorization task, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed or discouraged. However, by focusing on the progress I’ve made so far and visualizing myself successfully completing the task, I can stay motivated and energized even during long hours of memorization.

Can you describe a particularly memorable experience from your memory training journey, whether it be a success or a setback, and what you learned from it?

One particularly memorable experience from my memory training journey was when I attempted to break the world record for the most decimal places of pi memorized and recited. I had spent months preparing for the attempt, using various memorization techniques and strategies to build up my mental stamina and focus. The day of the attempt, I was feeling confident and prepared.

However, as I started reciting the digits of pi, I suddenly found myself blanking out on certain sequences. I had memorized the digits perfectly in practice, but the pressure of the live attempt was causing me to falter. It was a setback that could have been demoralizing, but I refused to give up.

Instead, I took a deep breath and tried to relax. I reminded myself of all the hard work I had put in to get to this point and how much I wanted to succeed. Slowly but surely, I regained my focus and was able to complete the recitation without any further mistakes.

What I learned from this experience was the importance of mental resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity. It’s easy to get discouraged when things don’t go according to plan, but it’s important to remember why you started and stay focused on your goals. I also learned the value of practicing under pressure and simulating real-world conditions to better prepare myself for live events.

Overall, the experience taught me to never give up and to always believe in myself and my abilities, no matter what challenges I may face along the way.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to improve their own memory skills, whether for personal or professional reasons?

If someone wants to improve their memory skills, whether for personal or professional reasons, my advice would be to start by learning and practicing memory techniques. There are many different methods that can be used to improve memory, such as the memory palace technique, the peg system, and the major system. It’s important to find the techniques that work best for you and to practice them consistently.

Another key aspect of improving memory skills is to exercise regularly and maintain a healthy lifestyle. This includes getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and engaging in regular physical activity. Exercise has been shown to boost brain function and improve memory retention, making it a crucial component of any memory improvement plan.

In addition to these strategies, it’s important to challenge your brain on a regular basis by engaging in activities that require cognitive effort. This can include activities like reading, learning a new language, or playing brain games. These types of activities can help improve memory and cognitive function over time.

Finally, it’s important to stay motivated and set achievable goals for yourself. Memory improvement is a process that takes time and effort, so it’s important to be patient and stay focused on your goals. Setting small, achievable goals and celebrating your progress along the way can help keep you motivated and on track.

Overall, improving memory skills requires a combination of learning and practicing memory techniques, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, engaging in cognitive activities, and staying motivated. With consistent effort and dedication, anyone can improve their memory skills and achieve their personal and professional goals.

Finally, what are some of your future goals and ambitions in the field of memory training, and how do you plan to continue breaking records and pushing the limits of what’s possible?

In terms of my future goals and ambitions, I want to continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible in the field of memory training. One of my main goals is to continue breaking world records and achieving new milestones. I believe that there is always room for improvement and that we should never stop challenging ourselves to be better. I am currently working on several new memory techniques and strategies that I believe will help me achieve even greater feats in the future.

In addition to breaking records, I also want to use my platform to inspire others to improve their own memory skills. I believe that anyone can improve their memory with the right training and practice, and I want to help others achieve their own personal memory goals. I plan to continue teaching memory techniques and strategies through my workshops, online courses, and other educational resources.

Another goal of mine is to continue to innovate and develop new tools and technologies to help people improve their memory. I am currently working on several new memory apps and software programs that I believe will revolutionize the way we think about memory training. I am also working with other researchers and experts in the field to explore new approaches to memory training and to develop new theories about how memory works.

Overall, my ultimate goal is to continue to push the limits of what’s possible in the field of memory training and to help others achieve their own personal memory goals. I am excited about the future of this field and I believe that there are endless possibilities for those who are willing to put in the time and effort to improve their memory skills.

“Breaking records is not just about achieving a personal best, but about inspiring others to reach for their own greatness in the pursuit of limitless possibilities.”

Sancy Suraj is a remarkable memory athlete who has achieved multiple world records in memory feats. His passion for memory training and dedication to his craft have made him one of the most celebrated memory athletes in the world. His use of visualization and association techniques to help him remember information, along with his discipline and focus during long hours of memorization, are an inspiration to others looking to improve their memory skills. We can’t wait to see what he accomplishes next and wish him all the best in his future memory training pursuits.