Training the Mind: An Inside Look at CEO of the Umonics Method  Sancy Suraj’s

Sancy Suraj, the CEO of the Umonics Method, has revolutionized the way memory training is taught to preschoolers. The Umonics Method is a memory-training program that has shown remarkable results in improving memory skills in young children. In this interview, we get an inside look into Sancy’s background, how she started the Umonics Method, her teaching methodology, and the feedback she has received from parents and teachers. Additionally, we learn about the outcomes of the Umonics Method and how Sancy sees it evolving in the future.

Can you tell us about your background and how you became interested in memory training?

Certainly. My interest in memory training began when I was a student in university, studying finance. During my studies, I found that I was struggling to retain the vast amount of information that I needed to learn. I realized that I needed to find a way to improve my memory in order to succeed in my studies. That’s when I began to research memory techniques and strategies.

I discovered that there were many effective memory techniques that could be used to improve memory retention and recall. I began to experiment with these techniques and found that they were incredibly effective. Not only did I see an improvement in my academic performance, but I also found that I was able to remember important details in my personal life, such as names and faces.

From there, my interest in memory training grew. I began to compete in memory competitions and eventually achieved a world record for memorizing the longest sequence of colors. I founded the Umonics Method to share my passion for memory training with others, particularly preschoolers. I believe that memory training is a skill that should be taught from a young age, as it lays the foundation for lifelong learning and success.

In short, my background in finance and my struggles with memory retention during my studies led me to become interested in memory training. Through my own experimentation and research, I discovered the power of memory techniques and founded the Umonics Method to share these skills with others, particularly young children.

What inspired you to start the Umonics Method, and how does it differ from other memory training programs?

What inspired me to start the Umonics Method was the realization that memory is a skill that is not being taught to preschoolers, despite being crucial to their learning and development. As a memory athlete myself, I knew the power of memory training and how it could help individuals in all aspects of their lives. Therefore, I decided to create a program that would focus on memory training for young children, specifically between the ages of 3-6 years old.

The Umonics Method is unique in its approach to memory training. Unlike other memory training programs, which may focus solely on memorization techniques, the Umonics Method takes a holistic approach to memory development. We focus on teaching children how to retain and recall information effectively, but we also emphasize the importance of developing a growth mindset, effective communication skills, and creative problem-solving abilities. We believe that by providing children with a strong foundation in these areas, they will be better equipped to face the challenges of the future.

Moreover, our program is tailored specifically to the needs of preschoolers. We understand that young children have short attention spans, and therefore, our lessons are designed to be engaging and interactive. We use a variety of techniques, such as music and games, to help children learn and remember information. Additionally, we provide parents with tools and resources to reinforce the lessons taught in our program, so that learning can continue beyond the classroom.

In summary, the inspiration for the Umonics Method came from a desire to teach young children a skill that is often overlooked but essential for their development. Our program differs from other memory training programs in its holistic approach to memory development, tailored specifically to the needs of preschoolers, and use of engaging and interactive techniques. We aim to provide children with the skills and mindset they need to succeed in all aspects of their lives.

How do you approach the task of training young children in memory techniques?

At The Umonics Method, our approach to training young children in memory techniques is designed to be engaging, fun, and interactive. We believe that children learn best when they are having fun, and that is why we have developed our program to be interactive and enjoyable for kids. Our program is tailored specifically for preschoolers aged 3-6 years old, which is the perfect age for children to start developing their memory skills. We use a variety of techniques such as games, songs, and visual aids to teach children how to memorize and recall information with ease.

We also understand that every child learns differently, which is why our program is designed to cater to different learning styles. Some children may be visual learners, while others may learn better through songs or repetition. Our trainers are experienced in identifying each child’s learning style and tailoring their teaching approach to suit the child’s individual needs. We believe that this personalized approach is key to helping children develop their memory skills effectively.

Another important aspect of our approach is the use of positive reinforcement. We believe that it is important to encourage and motivate children, especially when they are learning new skills. We use a reward-based system that motivates children to continue learning and practicing their memory techniques. This approach helps to build the child’s confidence and encourages them to continue using their memory skills outside of the classroom.

In summary, our approach to training young children in memory techniques involves making the learning experience engaging and fun, tailoring our approach to suit each child’s learning style, and using positive reinforcement to motivate and encourage children. By using these techniques, we have been able to help thousands of young children in Singapore develop their memory skills and set them on the path towards a lifetime of successful learning.

“We believe that every child has the potential to develop their memory skills, and it’s our mission to make the learning experience fun and effective for them.”

Can you walk us through the typical curriculum and methods used in the Umonics Method?

Certainly, the Umonics Method curriculum is designed to provide young children with a fun and engaging approach to memory training that instills the fundamental principles of memory retention. The curriculum is divided into various levels, with each level building on the previous one to gradually increase the complexity of the memory techniques used.

The program begins with basic exercises that focus on improving children’s short-term memory by teaching them to memorize simple images and objects. These exercises help to lay a strong foundation for more advanced memory techniques in the later stages of the program. As children progress, they learn more sophisticated techniques such as visualization, association, and story linking, which enable them to memorize longer and more complex pieces of information.

The Umonics Method also uses a range of activities and games to keep young children engaged and motivated throughout the program. These activities include word games, memory card games, and treasure hunts, which help to reinforce the concepts learned in the program in a fun and interactive way.

In addition to these activities, the Umonics Method also places a strong emphasis on repetition and regular practice. We believe that practice is key to mastering any skill, and we encourage parents to continue practicing with their children outside of the classroom. By doing so, children can reinforce what they have learned in the classroom and continue to improve their memory skills over time.

Overall, the Umonics Method curriculum is designed to be engaging, fun, and effective in teaching young children the essential memory techniques that they will need to succeed in school and beyond. We believe that by providing children with a strong foundation in memory retention, we can help them to reach their full potential and become lifelong learners.

How do you ensure that the program is effective in boosting preschoolers’ memory skills?

At the Umonics Method, we take a holistic approach to memory training for preschoolers, and our program has been developed and refined over the years to ensure its effectiveness in boosting memory skills. One of the ways we ensure that our program is effective is by constantly evaluating and updating our curriculum to incorporate the latest research in the field of memory training.

We also believe in providing personalized attention to each child in our program, so we keep our class sizes small to ensure that each child receives individualized attention and instruction. We track each child’s progress and use data to identify areas where they may need additional support and tailor our instruction to meet their unique needs.

We also understand that memory training is most effective when it is presented in a fun and engaging way, so we incorporate games, activities, and interactive learning experiences into our curriculum. This approach helps to keep preschoolers motivated and interested in the learning process, which is essential for them to absorb and retain information effectively.

Finally, we encourage parents to be actively involved in their child’s learning and provide them with resources and guidance on how to reinforce memory techniques at home. By working together with parents, we can ensure that preschoolers are consistently practicing and applying the memory techniques they have learned, which is essential for the long-term retention and application of these skills.

“Our commitment to constantly refining our curriculum, providing personalized attention, and engaging students in fun learning experiences helps ensure that our memory training program for preschoolers is effective and sets them up for a lifetime of successful learning.”

Sancy Suraj’s background is rooted in the study of memory techniques. She has been fascinated with memory since a young age and has spent years researching and developing effective memory training programs. Her interest in memory led her to start the Umonics Method, a program that is different from other memory training programs because it is tailored to preschoolers. Sancy’s teaching approach is based on the understanding that memory training for young children should be fun, engaging, and hands-on. She believes that by using games and other interactive activities, children are more likely to retain information and develop their memory skills.

The Umonics Method is a comprehensive curriculum that covers everything from basic memorization techniques to more advanced memory strategies. Children who participate in the program learn how to remember numbers, colors, shapes, letters, and other essential information. The Umonics Method also teaches children how to link information together in their minds, which improves their recall and comprehension skills. Sancy ensures that the program is effective by using a combination of assessments and progress tracking to measure the children’s success.

The feedback that Sancy has received from parents and teachers about the Umonics Method has been overwhelmingly positive. Many parents have reported that their children have shown significant improvement in their memory skills after participating in the program. Teachers have also praised the Umonics Method, stating that it has made learning more enjoyable and interactive for their students.

What kind of feedback have you received from parents and teachers about the Umonics Method?

At Umonics, we have always taken feedback from parents and teachers seriously. We believe that the success of our program depends on how well it serves the needs of children, their families, and their educators. Over the years, we have received an overwhelmingly positive response from parents and teachers who have seen remarkable improvements in their children’s memory skills and overall academic performance.

Many parents have reported that their children are able to remember important information more easily and retain it for longer periods of time. Teachers have noted that children who have completed our program are better equipped to handle the demands of their curriculum and are more confident in their abilities to learn new material. Some parents have also shared with us how their children’s newfound memory skills have improved their daily lives and relationships with others, such as remembering important dates and names of friends and family.

One of the most common pieces of feedback we receive is that the Umonics Method is unique in its approach to memory training. Unlike other programs that rely on rote memorization techniques, we focus on building a strong foundation of memory skills through interactive games and activities. This approach allows children to develop a more natural and intuitive understanding of how their memory works, leading to greater retention and recall of information.

Overall, the feedback we have received from parents and teachers has been instrumental in helping us refine and improve our program. We are constantly updating our curriculum to ensure that it remains relevant and effective, and we are committed to continuing to provide high-quality memory training to children around the world.

How do you measure the success of the program, and what kind of outcomes have you seen so far?

At the Umonics Method, we have several ways of measuring the success of our program. Firstly, we use pre- and post-assessments to evaluate the progress of each child. These assessments cover a range of memory-related skills, such as the ability to recall numbers, words, and pictures. By comparing the results of these assessments, we can see how much each child has improved during the program.

In addition, we also collect feedback from parents and teachers about the children’s performance before and after participating in the program. This feedback helps us understand the impact that the Umonics Method has had on the children’s academic performance and overall cognitive development. We have received overwhelmingly positive feedback from parents and teachers, with many reporting significant improvements in their children’s memory and learning abilities.

Furthermore, we also track the long-term outcomes of our program. We stay in touch with the children and their families after they have completed the program to see how they are progressing academically and socially. We have found that many children who have completed our program have gone on to excel in their studies and in other areas of their lives. For example, some of our graduates have won academic awards, participated in national competitions, and even gone on to prestigious universities.

Overall, we believe that the success of our program can be measured by the improvements we see in the children’s memory and learning abilities, as well as their long-term academic and personal achievements. We are committed to continually improving our program and ensuring that we are providing the best possible support to help children unlock their full potential.

How do you see the Umonics Method evolving and expanding in the future?

The Umonics Method has come a long way since its inception, and I am excited to see where it will go in the future. One of my primary goals for the future of the Umonics Method is to expand its reach and impact. I believe that every child should have access to the tools and techniques that the Umonics Method provides, and I am committed to making that a reality.

One way that we plan to expand the Umonics Method is through the development of new and innovative programs. We are constantly researching and exploring new approaches to memory training and cognitive development, and we plan to incorporate these findings into our curriculum. Additionally, we are exploring the possibility of creating online courses and digital resources that would make the Umonics Method accessible to a wider audience.

Another way that we plan to expand the Umonics Method is by partnering with schools and educational institutions. We believe that our program has the potential to transform the way that children learn and succeed in school, and we are committed to working with educators to make that a reality. By collaborating with schools and educational organizations, we can reach more students and have a greater impact on their cognitive development and academic success.

Overall, I am optimistic about the future of the Umonics Method and the impact that it will have on the lives of children around the world. I believe that with continued research, innovation, and collaboration, we can continue to refine and improve our approach to memory training and cognitive development, and make the Umonics Method accessible to even more children and families.

In your opinion, why is memory training such a crucial skill to teach at a young age?

In my opinion, memory training is a crucial skill to teach at a young age because it lays a solid foundation for lifelong learning. Memory skills are essential in almost all aspects of our lives, whether it is academic or personal. When children learn memory techniques early on, they are better equipped to absorb and retain information, which is essential for their academic success. Moreover, memory training also helps children in their personal lives by helping them remember important dates, events, and details.

Another reason why memory training is important is that it helps children develop their cognitive abilities. Memory techniques not only improve a child’s memory but also enhance their attention span, focus, and concentration. These skills are not only important in school but also in other areas of life, such as sports, music, and art.

Furthermore, memory training also promotes creativity and imagination in children. When children learn memory techniques, they are taught to visualize, associate, and create stories to remember information. These techniques encourage children to think creatively and use their imagination, which is crucial for their cognitive and emotional development.

Finally, memory training can also help children build self-confidence and self-esteem. When children learn memory techniques and are able to remember information better, they feel a sense of accomplishment and pride. This sense of achievement helps them develop a positive attitude towards learning, which can have a significant impact on their academic and personal lives.

In conclusion, memory training is a crucial skill to teach at a young age because it promotes lifelong learning, helps children develop cognitive abilities, promotes creativity and imagination, and builds self-confidence and self-esteem. As such, it is important for parents and educators to recognize the importance of memory training and to provide children with the necessary tools and techniques to help them learn and remember information effectively.

What advice would you give to parents who are interested in helping their children develop stronger memory skills?

As a memory training expert, I would suggest that parents can start by creating a supportive learning environment at home. Encourage your child to read, play educational games, and engage in conversations with family members. These activities help build a foundation for better memory and cognitive function.

Another tip is to encourage your child to learn new things and challenge themselves. Learning new things helps to create new neural connections in the brain, which can improve memory and cognitive function. You can also help your child develop good study habits by creating a study schedule and helping them to stick to it.

Furthermore, parents can introduce mnemonic techniques to their children. Simple mnemonic techniques such as creating acronyms, visualizing images or creating stories can help children to remember information more effectively. By making learning fun and creative, children are more likely to enjoy the process and retain information better.

Finally, parents can lead by example. Show your child how you use memory techniques in your own life, whether it be remembering a grocery list or a phone number. By doing so, you are modeling good memory habits and teaching your child the importance of memory in everyday life.

In summary, parents can help their children develop stronger memory skills by creating a supportive learning environment, encouraging them to learn new things and challenge themselves, introducing mnemonic techniques, and leading by example. With these strategies, parents can help their children develop a lifelong love of learning and a strong foundation for academic success.

“By creating a fun and engaging learning environment at home, parents can empower their children to unlock their full potential and cultivate a love of learning that will last a lifetime.”

Sancy Suraj’s Umonics Method has proven to be an effective memory training program for preschoolers. Through her innovative teaching approach, Sancy has created a curriculum that is not only engaging but also fun for young children. The Umonics Method has received positive feedback from parents and teachers and has shown remarkable outcomes in improving memory skills in young children. As Sancy looks to the future, she plans to expand the Umonics Method’s reach and continue to develop innovative memory training techniques.